Having a bad day at work happens to everyone. Even having them is often not much cause for concern if you like what you do, but what about when the bad starts to outweigh the good? At some point, you have to take action.
If you have come to hate your job and are unhappy with your work life, start by looking for signs that it is time to walk away.
How Do You Know It is Time to Quit Your Job?
You may not want to quit your job. If you are like most people, you probably are not financially able to walk away from an established position and have nothing lined up — but that doesn’t mean you should ignore the signs that you need to leave your job. Many people find that it starts with being bored all the time. You can barely muster the attention to make it through the day and you find yourself not working as much as you should. It happens a lot when your boss doesn’t fully use your skills or challenge you. You might also find that your unhappiness at work is affecting your appearance (e.g., they call it comfort food for a reason) or making you emotional. Everything annoys you, especially at work, and your boss is driving you crazy. If that sounds like you, it’s time to move on.
What Do You Do When You Don’t Have Another Job Lined Up?
Unfortunately, unless you have been getting calls from recruiters and bouncing from job to job, you may not have anything else lined up. Don’t panic. Start by having a conversation with your boss. He or she may not know how unhappy you are in your role there and may be willing to help you find a solution, even if it is just a temporary one. Take this time as an opportunity to do your best work. Remember, your boss and possibly your co-workers may need to provide a recommendation for you to get out of your position and into something better. Devote your time to wowing them.
Finding Your Passion for Work
In the meantime, begin looking for new work. Update your resume and spend your off-hours networking with people in your industry. Referrals are the number one way that established professionals find different work, so don’t skip this step.
Also, spend some time soul-searching. Look back at your life and think of your most fulfilling moments. As you string them together, examine those experiences for a common thread. However, be careful. Enjoyable hobbies do not always make for profitable careers. Instead, look to your skill sets. For instance, if you like talking to other people, you might decide that sales is a good opportunity.
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Whether it’s getting another traditional, 9–5 job or starting a different type of career altogether, don’t ignore the way you are feeling. Spend your energy on finding your passion and a job that fits your lifestyle.
Originally posted at RuhaniRabin.com
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